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Eco Schools Project

At Broad Town, we  have achieved Bronze and Silver Eco-School Awards. We are now working towards achieving our Green Flag Award!

As part of our Eco-Schools project, we only send home a paper copy of our newsletters to parents who request them. All other letters will be sent home as a paper copy. The latest newsletter will be posted on the Newsletters page of this website, on the first Wednesday of the month.


School Eco-code

Our School Eco-code.

Wiltshire Wildlife Trust

Wiltshire Wildlife Trust
At Broad Town School, we work closely with members of the Wiltshire Wildlife Trust who have carried out a range of workshop activities to help develop the children's understandng of a range of Eco Projects.
Saving Energy
The School Council for 2013 to 2014 worked hard to help save energy and money.  Every class now has energy saving monitors called 'Energy Eagles' . These monitors turn off the lights and the computers  They turn the heating down, close wndows and doors.
In 2014, Broad Town School were the winners of the Wiltshire Switch off Fortnight Week

All classes are encouraged to recycle and use the recycling bins in their classrooms.



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