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Year 2 children undertake the end of Keystage 1 Standard Assessment Tests (SATs) in May. Parents will be given a copy of these results along with their child'e end of year report.


KS2 SATS are undertaken by Year 6 children in one designated week in May.  SATS are compulsory and cover punctuation and spelling, English reading, English grammar, and Maths.  There are three maths assessments -Paper 1 -Arithmetic, Paper 2 - Reasoning and Paper 3 - Reasoning.

Timetable for 2023

The key stage 2 tests are timetabled from Tuesday 9th May to Friday 12th May.

Date Activity
Tuesday 9 May 2022 English grammar, punctuation and spelling papers 1 and 2
Wednesday 10 May 2022 English reading
Thursday 11 May 2022 Mathematics papers 1 and 2
Friday 12 May 2022 Mathematics paper 3

Multiplication tables check

Schools should administer the Y4 multiplication tables check within the 3-week period in June.

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