B.T.S.A (Broad Town School Association)
The Committee
Chair Person: Dave Walters
Treasurer: Mrs Walters
Secretary: Mrs Clark
Mrs Carter
School Representative:Miss Long
Fundraisers and purchases
BTSA run a number of different events throughout the year. Our most recent fundraiser was our annual Summer Fete.
The money we raised goes towards the upkeep of the school and buying new equipment for the children. In the past we have purchased wall bars for our school hall and the wonderful outside play equipment. We recently paid for the children to have a visit from the Life Education Bus, which they all really enjoyed.

School Fete
Many thanks to all invovled for making the school fete such a wonderful day. As well as raising lots of money for the school it is a great opportunity to bring the community together.
Money raised will help to enhance the eductional provision for the children. It will support in paying for visiting workshops such as the Viking Day and the Life Education Classroom. The funds will also support us in being able to maintain our forest school and outdoor learning.
In addition to this it will support in providing the children with a range of events during the year such as film nights, Easter Egg hunts etc.

A big thank you to Mrs Dutnall for teaching the children Maypole dancing and Mr Coles for coming along to play his accordian.