Getting ready for the Coronation
The village is getting ready for the King's Coronation. Below are some ideas on how you can get involved.
Our schools involvement within our community.
Our school takes great enjoyment from working within it's local community. We encourage the children to participate in events and learn that they have an impact on their immediate surroundings. A number of the events and activities we have participated in are below.
The Opening of Broad Town Play Park

Well done to Jamie and Angel Chivers for officially opening the play park.
Family Learning - Healthy Eating Course
Family Learning - Nature Detetive Course

Crazy Glasses Day

A great big thank you to Mrs Plant for organising our Crazy Glasses Day. Mrs Plant came into school to lead an assembly and children found out about Retinoblastoma (childhood Eye Cancer). They raised funds to support the charity by making and designing crazy glasses. We also had a cake sale at the end of the schol day.
We are very fortunate to have received grants from the community to support us with the development of our peaceful garden.
We also receieved a grant from Bishop Wordsworth Education Trust so the children could work with an artist to make our vision collage.

A great £136.55 was raised from the fun the childrne had on Crazy Glasses Day.
Thank you to everyone for your support.