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Home Learning

As we enter a rather strange stage here are some activties to do at home to continue your child's learning. We suggest some of the activities should be practised daily and so this list will stay the same. We will also put other activities on the website that will change each week, so please check the website. Additionally we have also added a list of webiste that you can use to support your child's learning. 

Many families are aiming to do 2 hours a day. These are very unusual times and I know many of you are also trying to work from home. Please don't worry if you are doing less than this and there is no expectation to complete all of the tasks each week. Try to do some phonics/ spelling, reading, writing and maths each day but I appreciate that some days this cannot happen. Remember that board games, craft, cooking and playing in the garden can also incorporate a lot of valuable learning. For those of you who would like some additional activities, there are some handy home learning packs for each year group on twinkl.co.uk. 


Daily Activities

  • 99 club - Please download the sheet from our website under curriculum, 99 club. Your child will know which 99 club they are on. 
  • Statutory spellings - Your child has been given a sheet with their personal statutory spellings on them. If your child has misplaced this sheet here is a generic list. 


High Frequency Words KS1.pdf


High Frequency Words Year 3 and 4.pdf


High Frequency Words Year 5 and 6.pdf

  • Daily Reading. It doesn't have to be a reading book it could be a newspaper article leaflet, magazine or comic
  • Battle of the books. We appreciate you may finish the book you are on so please see the list below. 
  • Mental maths. Using number cards 1 - 20 (these can just be 20 pieces of paper with a number between 1 and 20 written on them) get the children to choose 2 and add them together. How many can they do in 30sec. Repeat this with subtraction. Can you beat your previous time? To try and challenge yourself try by turning the number/s into multiples of 10.
  • Multiplication tables practice- please find the document below. They have 2min to complete each test. 


6 times table.docx

In addition, the BBC Dance Mat Typing programme is a really useful tool and website for the chidlren to practice and improve their typing speed and precision. 

Please find the link below 


Week Beginning 13th July

Optional Extras

ICT and Geography

In this week I would like you to complete your last page of your PowerPoint. This page needs to be titled ‘What we can do about it?’

We have learnt about lots of different elements that contribute towards climate change. In this final slide I would like you to address how we can fight them. You might talk about recycling, reducing energy consumption, not using certain products or renewable resources. There is tons of things you could research and put onto this page/es. Try and use everything we have learnt to make this page your best.

Use this week to complete and finish your PowerPoints all about the environment.


This term we will be having a go at charanga which is a great music website that introduces the children to lots of different music. If you have a sibling in year 1 you may have seen this already if not get ready for something new and exciting. Please find attached to list of login details. Once you have found you details visit https://wiltshire.charanga.com/site/ and login where lesson 5 is waiting for you.


We have now finished our topic Animals including Humans – Nutrition, Skeletons and Muscles. This week we would like you to  try and complete the Animals including Humans Quiz  which you will find under the knowledge organiser section with an answer sheet . You might want to briefly look over the Knowledge Organiser before you start.  Good luck!

Core Learning 13th July


Please work through the files attached

Monday, Session 1  – Tell the time to the minute on analogue and digital clocks.

Tuesday, Session 2  – Find and compare time durations, converting from analogue times to digital to help with the subtraction.

Wednesday, Session 3 – Revise units of time

Maths Problem Week 7 (Thursday's Lesson if in class)   Go on have a go!

Always, Sometimes or Never?
Are the following statements always true, sometimes true or never true?

You could cut out the cards from this sheet (wordpdf) and arrange them in this grid.


This week would be revising the spelling we have learnt this term. So please look through all the spellings and practise different ones each week.

Remember to keep using readiwriter to practise your spellings.

Reading, Writing and Grammar

Please see attached files

Week Beginning 6th July

Core Learning 


Please work through the files attached

Session 1– Find non-unit fractions of quantities (arrays).

Session 2 – Find non-unit fractions of quantities (bar models).

Session 3– Revising finding unit fractions of amounts. 


Focusing on word families. Spelling list week 6. There are also some activities.

Remember to have a go at the SNIPS sheet and the children already working on SNIPS with Mrs Seal their sheet will be sent via the school email.

Also we are continuing with Readiwriter, hopefully the children that do it each work have still got their logins. Everyone else this is the login to use Username NOG10675 password teddy92, it is a generic one so it doesn’t record progress but rather another tool to practise the spelling rule.

Reading, Writing and Grammar

Please see attached files

Optional extras


We are now in the sixth week of our topic Animals including Humans – Nutrition, Skeletons and Muscles.

Please watch the PPT Mighty Muscles Week 6. If  possible:

Write a short paragraph about what you have learnt in this session. Remember to use the key vocabulary you have learnt.

ICT and Geography

In this week I would like you to complete your last page of your PowerPoint. This page needs to be titled ‘What we can do about it?’

We have learnt about lots of different elements that contribute towards climate change. In this final slide I would like you to address how we can fight them. You might talk about recycling, reducing energy consumption, not using certain products or renewable resources. There is tons of things you could research and put onto this page/es. Try and use everything we have learnt to make this page your best.

This is quite a big element so this will carry on for two weeks.


This term we will be having a go at charanga which is a great music website that introduces the children to lots of different music. If you have a sibling in year 1 you may have seen this already if not get ready for something new and exciting. Please find attached to list of login details. Once you have found you details visit https://wiltshire.charanga.com/site/ and login where lesson 4 is waiting for you.

Maths Problem Week 6 Go on have a go!

detective dan


  1. Dan the detective looked for a number. He found a two-digit number less than 50. The sum of its digits was 12. Their difference was 4. What number did Dan find?
  2. Dan found a two-digit odd number. One of its digits was half the other. The number was greater than 50. What number did Dan find?

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Sharing your work

Highly Recommended 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

Dear Parents/Carers

I'm writing to tell you about an exciting new resource called 'Active Learn' which we have access to. Through access in the Active Learn website, your child will be able to complete activities assigned to them from us, their class teacher; these tasks include reading books from Bug Club.Bug Club is a finely-levelled online reading scheme, which ensures that all children can find books at exactly the right level for them on their personalised website.

Using the online reading world

 Each child has a unique homepage, and can log into it by following these steps:

1. Go to www.activelearnprimary.co.uk

2. Enter the login details.

3. Your child’s homepage will appear.

Login Details

Username-  Your child’s user name are the 1st four letters of their first name and surname

so Jordan Henderson's  username would be-  jordhend

If your child has less than 4 letters in their first name just use the 1st 3 letters of their first name and then 4 from their surname.

Password: Homework1

School code: btcp



P.S Everyone has been talking about Maths with Carol Vorderman so we have also put activities created by her on the children's pages.



The following resources and websites are FREE for the children to access and use. 


https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize - Really good for all subjects including history etc. 

https://www.tts-group.co.uk/home+learning+activities.html - Has a homelearning booklet that has lots of different ideas in it. This is a printable resources.

https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/7-11-years/ordering-and-sequencing-numbers - lots of english and maths online games.

https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resources/keystage2-ks2/ks2-class-management/school-closure-home-learning-classroom-management-key-stage-2-year-3-4-5-6 - printable resources that cover maths, english and topic work.


https://nrich.maths.org/9084  - Lots of maths activties that will really challenge your children. 

Growth Mindset

Christian Value Thankfulness



british value

This term our British value is Mutual Respect

The video:


Pupils Amelie and Shaeya interview children and adults from their school community to find out what the word 'respect' means to them. Their interviewees offer different ideas on the word, including: 'showing tolerance', 'listening to others', 'being open to their opinions and beliefs', friends'. All the interviewees agree that it's important to treat others with thoughtfulness and consideration, in just the way that we would wish to be treated ourselves.

 Activity - You could make a poster to promote Mutual Respect with the quote

'...treat others how we'd like to be treated ourselves.'

Insert content here

School visit

School Visit.MOV
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