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Class 2, 2019- 2020

Welcome to Class 2's page for 2019 - 2020. Come here to find out what we have been up to over the year. 

Class Teacher

Monday and Tuesday - Mrs Lawrence 

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday - Mrs McEvoy 

TA support - Mrs Whetham, Mrs Seal and Miss Jenkins 

Bible Week

This year class 2 have been looking at the story of Daniel and the Lions Den. We thought about the moral and the lesssons we learnt from it. We really enjoyed learning the story and really engaged ourselves by acting it out. Here are our final performances.


We used art to also create our own lions. We used a range of different mediums to create texture and effect. Here are our lions.


We used our mathematical knowledge about shape to draw our own lions. We thought about what shape, each part of the lion, looked most like. Here are some of our drawings.


Tudor Houses

This term our topic is The Tudors. We have been making our own Tudor houses using facts that we discovered. These facts include 'they are made of Wattle and daub - by River. They are held up by lots of wooden beams - Jeremy. The windows are made up of lots of little windows - Holly B. The top level of the house was bigger than the bottom because land was very expensive - Chloe and Jeremy. The richer people had slate on their roofs and a chimeny whilst the poor just had a litte hole - Ewan, Leigh and Benjamin. 


Our Trip to Ufton Court

During term 1 and 2 we studied the Tudors. To finish our topic we took a trip to Ufton Court. We had a fab day learning some of the crafts the Tudors would have needed, looking at portraits of the Kings and Queens of the time and ending the day with a trip to the courts. Here are some of the photos from our time their. 

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