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Steam Museum Trip - Links to WW2 topic


In term 5, class 2 studied the events of WW2. We went to the Steam Museum in Swindon to find out more about the events that took place and the significance of the railway in WW2.


Finally we went on a train ride to experience what it would have been like as an evacuee during WW2. We looked at all the things that the children were allowed to take. It turns out they were only allowed to take 2 pairs of underswear - urrgh!

At the end the adults even had to take on a role and act out the people that would have looked after the evacuees in their new homes.


We found out all about the Blitz and went into an air raid shelter to experience what it would have been like for the people during these times. We looked at the jobs that needed to be done. Here is Lily and Mason acting out the role as air raid helpers, putting out the fires after an attack.


Class 2's street party

As an end to our WW2 topic, class 2 decided to have a street party and invite some of the older residents of our community. We learnt some songs, including a Vera Lynn favourite, to perform at the end of the party. We had scones and drinks for our guests. It was great to hear some real life stories of their experience of WW2 and there was fun and laughter to be had by all. Class 2 had a great time and we hope that our guests did too. Here are some pictures showing this brilliant event. 

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